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Thursday, 22 April 2010

Puma turbo goes 12.8 @ 116 MPH

My mate Lewis has shoehorned a Zetec turbo into a Ford Puma.

I've done all the wiring on the car including fitting and mapping a Megasquirt ecu.

It went to pod last weekend (17/04) and managed a best time of 12.8 on its first outing!

Its still on stock suspension so there is plenty of potential left and still needs dyno time.

Megasquirt and Arduino

After playing with my Nokia 770, and getting pissed off with python I've gone back to making an Arduino display data on 20x4 lcd.

I'm a noob at coding with an Arduino but I'm finding it easier to pick up and I've managed to get it working pretty reasonably.

I've bought some parts from to make an arduino shield for my lcd and fit it all in my project box, as its spaghetti at the moment.

I've also requested some samples canbus chips. the idea is have it connect to the canbus stream of the megasquirt2 & 3 and possibly other devices like, Honda obd0, OMEX, innovate, plx etc.

Megasquirt on nokia 770

I was thinking the other day how good would it be to have some gauges and basic tuning abilities on the nokia 770 as its based on linux and gtk I thought it shouldn't be that hard to write something in python, but thought why start from scratch when there's megatunix.

I've had a tiny look into building it from source but it seems a chore just to even get scratchbox working..
So I thought sod it and started learning python and pygtk and after about a month of head scratching and swearing.

this happened


I'm still working out the kinks but its not bad considering its my first proper python app.

The next things I'd like to learn:
  • ecu version detection
  • ini file parsing to support multiple firmwares
  • guage customisation
  • bluetooth scanner and connector (have to do it in the command line atm)
  • learn cairo and maybe create some proper gauges
  • histograms?
  • datalogging to sd card?
There's a plenty to do but I need a bluetooth to rs232 board as I've been using my laptop as a bridge and its a bit glitchy keep getting drop outs.

First post...

I've had the blog for ages so may aswell keep a record of what I've been upto..